Sunday, April 14, 2013


Hi Folks,
This week three episodes of Glee were our class text. When completing your blog try to look at the episodes both individually and holistically. Think about what these episodes teach us about teenagers and their experiences.

Some themes and questions to consider:

What are the various representations of Masculinity and expressions of sexual orientation? Which characters help portray those representations? How are they similar or different? What would Kimmel say about these characters?

Raby taught us about the 5 different discourses surrounding teenage experience. How are those discourses represented here? Where do you see "the storm," "becoming" or "at risk" for example?

Last week in class we discussed pleasure and critique as well as Dominant and Resistant texts. Are these episodes helping to portray Dominant representations of teenagers? Are they resistant? Both? Which scenes help to show this? Think about this in relationship to Scwaamp if you need some guidance. Remember that Scwaamp represents dominant ideology.

Check out too, this article discussing Glee representations of school shootings and students with dis/abilities.

Tuesday, April 2, 2013

Kimmel and Mahler

Hi Folks,
Here are some questions to get you thinking about Kimmel and Mahler's claims.

What 4 claims do the authors make about the connections between high school shooters since 1982? p.1439

What do the authors name as hegemonic masculinity? How is it defined? p.1440

How does this factor into the main argument about adolescent masculinity and gender? p.1440

How does the discourse of violence inhibit the ability to stop or control it? What does Kimmel name as the "real" problem? How is this adolescent masculinity discourse different? p.1442

Kimmel names relationships between race and gender, and the school shooters, how does the discourse surrounding the root of the violence shift when the race of the shooter is changed? p. 1443

Considering the argument of the authors and the related evidence, what does this article teach us about the relationships between misogyny, homophobia, adolescent masculinity, and violence?